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Thought for the day!

Excuses come in all shapes and sizes, some dress up as little white lies, some are even used for their or our best interests, but in the end excuses stop us achieving and moving forward.

I have been the one saying it is so difficult for me to lose weight; I am big boned or it just runs in our family. Ha who was I kidding, I was adopted and I have the same bones now as I did then, but then I did not have the belief that I was worthy of looking and feeling better, so I had a library full of excuses that diets were stupid, reasons why I could not train, why it worked for everyone else and not me. Excuses gave me concrete boots and fixed me to where I was, taking responsibility for me and banning excuses opened up new beautiful horizons. Where are your concrete boots keeping you?

Los Balcones


I would just like to say hello to everyone in this area of Spain. We have just launched our 105th A Spanish Life website in the area and hope that all the local people will join us soon.
New properties for sale and rent will be added weekly as well as up to date information about what is going on in the area

If you would like to get involved in your local site and become a moderator then please send me a message.

La Marina Golf Course

The first time I heard mention of the proposed La Marina Golf Course was about 16 years ago. If I remember correctly there was a certain Barry Jump trying to promote the idea. Then it went quiet with the odd report here and there but without any action. There must be some interesting stories of what happened and why. How about a few of you knowledgeable ones spilling the beans.

La Marina

When we bought our first house it was on the basis that the proposed golf club would be built imminently (that was 23 years ago) and the value of the house would increase considerably. Today we still have the house but still no golf club!

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-22 11:03:18 UTC

When we bought our first house in La Marina, on Extramadura, we were told the same story. The only money we made was by extending it. The Estate Agents in La Marina (no names mentioned) have used that to sell properties down there for years. I wonder if any of us will be here when the Golf course does come to La Marina - I doubt it.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-07-22 18:00:36 UTC

You are an optimistic lady!
Do you believe that one day we will have a golf course?

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-22 18:55:14 UTC

I heard people are still being told there will be a golf course when viewing villas.

Commented Julie in La Marina 2011-07-22 19:18:18 UTC

Yes we were told that we we first came here to buy in November 2002!!!!

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2011-07-23 07:38:37 UTC

I Wonder if any one actually knows if back in the distant past was there at one time some kind of Planning Permission granted for a La Marina Golf Course?
Although this was way before your time Mark perhaps you can fill in with any information.
Or was it all pure Pie in the Sky?

Commented Dreamer in La Marina 2011-07-24 15:30:25 UTC

I can remember about 5/6 years ago there was a lot of excitement on the estate because there was a stretch limo down in the proposed La Marina Golf Course area. The stretch limos occupants were all Japanese and were carrying out some kind of survey. That was the last I heard on this old La Marina Golf Course subject. I suspect that the truth will never be known as to all or any of the ins and outs.

Commented Douglas in La Marina 2011-07-26 11:22:46 UTC

Admin Comments

Those of you who are active on other Local Forums are well used to getting your postings deleted or moved to another section on that forum. We were actually trying to get away from all the Rules & Regulations of what you are allowed to do, or not allowed to do on this Forum. No other forums will allow any business to put their own website links in to promote their own business (unless of course you are paying money out to sponsor the said forum).
We at Admin must however ask you please to behave fairly responsible to each other on this forum and, of course, we do not expect you to agree with each other all of the time - the forum would be very boring if you did. However if we think anybody is speaking out of order we regrettably may have to step in and do some minor editing to certain posts. We would also please ask some of you not to keep swearing !

We agree that some of the postings should be split and are waiting on the IT Dept to inform us if this can be done.

La Marina

Good to see that we may become a proper forum again,hope you dont overdo the editing,but I must agree last nights fiasco was a step too far.
It would be a good idea that personal insults were kept out of the forum,by the contributors,that way Ian wouldnt have to waste his time editing things out.
But well done Ian,for taking this initiative

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-07-26 09:29:17 UTC

You have my 100% support.

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-26 09:54:11 UTC

The Upstairs Wok

Is it true that the cheapest bottle of wine at The Wok is now 12.00 euros?
Surely that cant be true.

They must be looking hard for new business as they have just finished leafleting most of La Marina.

Commented Ian in La Marina 2011-07-26 09:26:55 UTC


Can anyone tell me how hot it gets in this area in the summer and winter months, we often visit the Costa Blanca area of Spain which is great in the summer but we are now finding it a bit cold in winter what is it like here?


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My god. I bet the administrators are wondering why they ever bothered to set this website up. What happened to people coming on here and sharing opinions & experiences, asking questions, and recommending stuff. Now it´s just all politics, accusations & bad mouthing people.
I think when Mags said goodbye to this forum she might have had the right idea. As someone who has a business here I can only hope that the holiday makers dont ever read all this...........I bet they think its just great here!!
In advance I say sorry for any spelling mistakes and I truely am called Nikki, so hopefully I wont get into any trouble.

La Marina

While I agree that the immature response from Andi was out of order I don't think it's a matter for the police, this is a forum after all and there is always going to be heated debates, the bad language should be removed but that is Andi's decision to make.

Commented Julie in La Marina 2011-07-25 20:16:17 UTC


On Saturday and Sunday 30th and 31st at El Paraje del Molino in Formentera del Segura. Starting at 2pm and ending at 1am on both days. This event will deliver great entertainment for all the family. There´s going to be a bar, a barbie, a hog roast, tombola, raffle, loads of clothes, household things and accessories for sale at bargain prices. All for charity, so come along and dig deep!!!!!

The programme of events is:


14:15 – 15:15 Children’s Fashion Show

15:30 – 16:00 Dance Extreme

16:05 – 16:25 Renegade Line Dancers

16:30 – 17:30 Lorna Michelle

18:00 – 19:00 Short Fuse

21:00 – 22:00 Kirsten Mackay

22:30 – 23:30 The Usual Suspects

00:00 – 01:00 The Monos


14:45 – 15:15 Zumba Group

15:30 – 16:00 Dance Extreme

16:30 – 17:30 The Voodoos

18:00 – 19:00 Dance School

19:30 – 20:30 The Assigned

21:00 – 23:00 SFM

00:00 – 01:00 Buddy and the Rockets

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